var Translator = { phrases : { "this is a plural {pieces} [pieces:piece|pieces] test {blub} [blub:stück|stücke]!" : "This is a plural {pieces} [pieces:piece|pieces] test {blub} [blub:stück|stücke]!","menu" : "Menu","sidebar:hardware" : "Hardware","sidebar:search" : "Search","close" : "Close","next" : "Next","save" : "Save","title" : "Title","linemetrics hardware" : "LineMetrics Hardware","inputs" : "Inputs","temperature" : "Temperature","humidity" : "Humidity","average" : "Average","count" : "Count","show entries" : "Show Entries","entries" : "entries","loading..." : "Loading...","processing..." : "Processing...","search:" : "Search:","no matching records found" : "No matching records found","first" : "First","last" : "Last","previous" : "Previous",": activate to sort column ascending" : ": activate to sort column ascending",": activate to sort column descending" : ": activate to sort column descending","(filtered from _max_ total entries)" : "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)","showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries" : "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries","showing _start_ to _end_ of _total_ entries" : "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries","no data available in table" : "No data available in table","search table" : "Search Table","last hour" : "Last hour","state" : "state","since" : "since","a few seconds" : "a few seconds","in" : "in","one minute" : "one minute","minutes" : "minutes","one hour" : "one hour","hours" : "hours","a day" : "a day","days" : "days","a month" : "a month","months" : "months","a year" : "a year","years" : "years","today at" : "today at","tomorrow at" : "tomorrow at","yesterday at" : "yesterday at","value" : "value","hour" : "hour","day" : "day","today" : "Today","yesterday" : "Yesterday","this week" : "This week","last week" : "Last week","this month" : "This month","last month" : "Last month","minute" : "minute","this value is required." : "This value is required.","this value length is invalid." : "This value length is invalid.","this value seems to be invalid." : "This value seems to be invalid.","it should be between" : "It should be between","and" : "and","characters long." : "characters long.","this value should not be blank." : "This value should not be blank.","this value should be alphanumeric." : "This value should be alphanumeric.","this value should be digits." : "This value should be digits.","this value should be a valid integer." : "This value should be a valid integer.","this value should be a valid number." : "This value should be a valid number.","this value should be a valid url." : "This value should be a valid url.","this value should be a valid email." : "This value should be a valid e-mail.","this value should be greater than or equal to" : "This value should be greater than or equal to","this value should be lower than or equal to" : "This value should be lower than or equal to","this value should be between %s and %s." : "This value should be between %s and %s.","this value length is invalid. it should be between %s and %s characters long." : "This value length is invalid. It should be between %s and %s characters long.","this value is too short. it should have %s characters or more." : "This value is too short. It should have %s characters or more.","this value is too long. it should have %s characters or fewer." : "This value is too long. It should have %s characters or fewer.","you must select at least %s choices." : "You must select at least %s choices.","you must select %s choices or fewer." : "You must select %s choices or fewer.","you must select between %s and %s choices." : "You must select between %s and %s choices.","this value should be the same." : "This value should be the same.","insert a name for this document." : "Insert a name for this document.","document *title*" : "Document *title*","add new dashboard" : "Add new dashboard","create new template" : "Create new template","add" : "Add","number" : "Number","address" : "Address","text" : "Text","january" : "January","february" : "February","march" : "March","april" : "April","may" : "May","june" : "June","july" : "July","august" : "August","september" : "September","october" : "October","november" : "November","december" : "December","jan" : "Jan","feb" : "Feb","mar" : "Mar","apr" : "Apr","aug" : "Aug","sept" : "Sept","oct" : "Oct","nov" : "Nov","dec" : "Dec","sunday" : "Sunday","monday" : "Monday","tuesday" : "Tuesday","wednesday" : "Wednesday","thursday" : "Thursday","friday" : "Friday","saturday" : "Saturday","sun." : "Sun.","mon." : "Mon.","tue." : "Tue.","wed" : "Wed","wed." : "Wed.","thu." : "Thu.","fri." : "Fri.","sat." : "Sat.","sun" : "Sun","mon" : "Mon","tue" : "Tue","thu" : "Thu","fri" : "Fri","sat" : "Sat","short text" : "Short Text","long text" : "Long Text","unit" : "Unit","if you want to save numbers use this template. you're also able to save an additional unit to the number." : "If you want to save numbers use this template. You're also able to save an additional unit to the number.","this property template is for shorter texts and allows only 255 characters." : "This property template is for shorter texts and allows only 255 characters.","with the template, long text, you're able to write up to 2000 character." : "With the template, long text, you're able to write up to 2000 character.","this template allows you to save a location by inserting latitude and longitude." : "This template allows you to save a location by inserting latitude and longitude.","use this template if you want to save an address by inserting the streetname. a service in the background searches for a suggestion and saves the location with latitude and longitude." : "Use this template if you want to save an address. A service in the background searches for a suggestion and saves the location with latitude and longitude.","use this template if you want to save an address. a service in the background searches for a suggestion and saves the location with latitude and longitude." : "Use this template if you want to save an address. A service in the background searches for a suggestion and saves the location with latitude and longitude.","status" : "Status","switch" : "Switch","a switch allows you to save a state. for example: true/false, yes/no, on/off" : "A switch allows you to save a state. For example: True/False, Yes/No, On/Off","choose the variant you would like to have. the values will be shown as the selected value in the input field." : "Choose the Variant you would like to have. The values will be shown as the selected value in the input field.","choose which state the property should have." : "Choose which state the property should have.","please insert a correct date!" : "Please insert a correct date!","date" : "Date","date:placeholder:format" : "mm/dd/yyyy","use this property template if you want to safe a simple date." : "Use this property template if you want to safe a simple date.","dfe:type:voltagetype:max24v" : "24 V","dfe:type:voltagetype:max12v" : "12 V","dfe:type:voltagetype:max5v" : "5 V","required field" : "Required Field","to short" : "To Short","passwords have to be the same!" : "Passwords have to be the same!","good day" : "Good day","enjoy your meal" : "Enjoy your meal","last {t} minutes" : "Last {t} minutes","last {t} hours" : "Last {t} hours","last day" : "Last day","last {t} days" : "Last {t} days","edit flank input" : "Edit Flank Input","edit value" : "Edit Value","to" : "To","from" : "From","above" : "above","below_raw" : "below_raw","regions" : "Regions","no regions available" : "No regions available","new region" : "New Region","created" : "Created","custom function" : "Custom function","good morning" : "Good morning","good evening" : "Good Evening","formular is not valid!" : "Formular is not valid!","calculated" : "calculated","all objects" : "All objects","datasource" : "Datasource","product" : "Product","loading next step" : "Loading next step","voltage" : "Voltage","energy" : "Energy","pressure" : "Pressure","compare" : "Compare","choose report" : "Choose Report","multi:marked object" : "marked object","single:marked object" : "marked object","show as" : "Show as","search" : "Search","number of values" : "Number of values","default color" : "Default color","successful" : "Successful","error occurred" : "Error occurred","we have processed your data successfully." : "We have processed your data successfully.","we are sorry, an error has occurred." : "We are sorry, an error has occurred.","successfully saved" : "Successfully saved","welcome to linemetrics cloud" : "Welcome to LineMetrics Cloud","first steps" : "First Steps","object model" : "Object model","metadata" : "Metadata","ready to go" : "Ready to go","realtime data" : "Realtime data","we wish you best success" : "We wish you best success","change" : "Change","please wait" : "Please wait","dur" : "Dur","successfully activated" : "Successfully activated","duration" : "duration","asset" : "Asset","to:low" : "to","download" : "Download","show line" : "Show line","show bar" : "Show bar","view data" : "View data","alias key already used in this object!" : "Alias key already used in this object!","total time" : "Total time","min time" : "Min time","max time" : "Max time","export" : "Export","max:" : "Max:","min:" : "Min:","addadditionalobject:single" : "additional object","addadditionalobject:plural" : "additional objects","object for" : "object for","objects for" : "objects for","no filter" : "No filter","values" : "values","row chart of" : "Row chart of","pie chart of" : "Pie chart of","line chart of" : "Line chart of","bar chart of" : "Bar chart of","grouped by hours" : "grouped by hours","no data available
for this timerange" : "No data available
for this timerange","type" : "Type","region" : "Region","under" : "under","sidebar:property" : "Properties","result" : "Result","update" : "Update","added with" : "added with","subtracted with" : "subtracted with","multiplied by" : "multiplied by","divided by" : "divided by","edit step" : "Edit step","delete step" : "Delete step","add new step" : "Add new step","addition of" : "Addition of","subtraction of" : "Subtraction of","multiplication of" : "Multiplication of","division of" : "Division of","seconds" : "seconds","second" : "second","year" : "year","filter for values less than" : "Filter for values less than","filter for values greater than" : "Filter for values greater than","filter value between" : "Filter value between","filter outside of" : "Filter outside of","power to energy" : "Power to Energy","not specified" : "Not specified","download csv" : "Download CSV","download image" : "Download image","weekend" : "Weekend","no state defined" : "No state defined","no template available" : "No template available","discount_pct" : "Discount in %","discount_abs" : "Discount in €","extra_charge_pct" : "Extra Charge in %","extra_charge_abs" : "Extra Charge in €","extracharge" : "Extra Charge","datetimehelper-date" : "MMMM, DD. YYYY","linemetrics cloud" : "LineMetrics Cloud","features" : "Features","fixed problems" : "Fixed problems","linemetrics mobile" : "LineMetrics Mobile","historical map" : "historical map","live position" : "live position","battery level critical, please change!" : "Battery level critical, please change!","link" : "Link","to link" : "to link","area from" : "Area from","area to" : "Area to","condition 2" : "Condition 2","connect with second condition" : "Connect with second condition","assets selected" : "Assets selected","asset selected" : "Asset selected","location" : "Location","last position changed" : "last position changed","{devicecount} [devicecount:device|devices] found." : "{deviceCount} [deviceCount:device|devices] found.","no search result" : "No search result","hw_visualisation:search" : "Search","hw_visualisation:default" : "Default","hw_visualisation:extended" : "Extended","obj_visualisation:extended" : "Extended","obj_visualisation:" : "Default","obj_visualisation:default" : "Default","hw_visualisation:" : "Default","input name" : "Input name","sum / average" : "Sum / Average","source input" : "Source Input","calculation type" : "Calculation Type","dashboard locked" : "Dashboard locked","dashboard-mode changed to locked" : "Dashboard-Mode changed to locked","dashboard-mode changed to edit" : "Dashboard-Mode changed to editable","dashboard editable" : "Dashboard editable","dashboard:editmode:unlocked:notification" : "Edit-Mode for dashboard activated","dashboard:editmode:locked:notification" : "Edit-Mode for dashboard deactivated","dashboard:editmode:locked:title" : "lock dashboard","dashboard:editmode:unlocked:title" : "unlock dashboard","showattributes:false" : "showAttributes:false","showattributes:true" : "showAttributes:true","enable the editmode and drag an element from the left menu into this area to see it" : "Enable the editmode and drag an element from the left menu into this area to see it","%s ago" : "%s ago","activate edit mode" : "Activate edit mode","exit edit mode" : "Exit edit mode","manual entry saved" : "Manual entry saved","select the variant with which you want to connect your data provider" : "Select the variant with which you want to connect your data provider","week" : "week","this year" : "This year","cw" : "CW","this entry is hided because of the choosen granularity in the timeselector" : "This Entry is hided because of the choosen granularity in the timeselector","still valid for {m} [m:minute|minutes] {s} [s:second|seconds]" : "Still valid for {m} [m:minute|minutes] {s} [s:second|seconds]","still valid for {h} [h:hour|hours] {m} [m:minute|minutes] {s} [s:second|seconds]" : "Still valid for {h} [h:hour|hours] {m} [m:minute|minutes] {s} [s:second|seconds]","still valid for {min} [min:minute|minutes] {sec} [sec:second|seconds]" : "Still valid for {min} [min:minute|minutes] {sec} [sec:second|seconds]","still valid for" : "Still valid for","{hour} [hour:hour|hours]" : "{hour} [hour:hour|hours]","{min} [min:minute|minutes]" : "{min} [min:minute|minutes]","{sec} [sec:second|seconds]" : "{sec} [sec:second|seconds]","you have already registered for the temporary notification with {email}." : "You have already registered for the temporary notification with {email}.","change of value" : "Change of value","choosen time" : "Choosen time","editing of value not possible! to be able to change a value, change the granularity to 1 minute." : "Editing of value not possible! To be able to change a value, change the granularity to 1 minute.","zoom out" : "Zoom out","add note" : "Add note","error occurred while loading annotations!" : "Error occurred while loading annotations!","for a week" : "for a week","for a day" : "for a day","since 12 hours" : "since 12 hours","since 4 hours" : "since 4 hours","since one hour" : "since one hour","the alarm interval indicates how often the devices will be checked for their offline status and how often you receive an e-mail notification if they are offline." : "The alarm interval indicates how often the devices will be checked for their offline status and how often you receive an e-mail notification if they are offline.","enter here since when a device has to be offline in order to include it in the alarm." : "Enter here since when a device has to be offline in order to include it in the alarm.","just enter one email address here." : "Just enter one email address here.","editing of value not possible!
to be able to change a value, change the granularity to raw.
this is only possible if your timerange is lower than one hour." : "Editing of value not possible!
To be able to change a value, change the granularity to 'no aggregation'.
This is only possible if your timerange is lower than one hour.","no aggregation" : "No aggregation","backendofflinewarning" : "When you move a LoRa-Sensor, keep in mind, that this sensor will stay offline till it gets manually rested.","disabled because {s} devices are connected to this gateway!" : "Disabled because {s} devices are connected to this Gateway!","month_1" : "January","month_2" : "February","month_3" : "March","month_5" : "May","month_6" : "June","month_7" : "July","month_8" : "August","month_9" : "September","month_10" : "October","month_11" : "November","month_12" : "December","month_1, {s}" : "January, {s}","month_2, {s}" : "February, {s}","month_3, {s}" : "March, {s}","month_4, {s}" : "April, {s}","month_5, {s}" : "May, {s}","month_6, {s}" : "June, {s}","month_7, {s}" : "July, {s}","month_8, {s}" : "August, {s}","month_9, {s}" : "September, {s}","month_10, {s}" : "October, {s}","month_11, {s}" : "November, {s}","month_12, {s}" : "December, {s}","month_4" : "April","hardware:device:opendebugger" : "open in debugger","disconnect template" : "Disconnect object from template","alwayssendmaildescription" : "This settings allows the service to send an mail every time the value is above the threshold. Normally the service would send an email as soon as the threshold gets reached and then pause till freshly reaches the threshold again.","enhancements" : "Enhancements","water consumption" : "Water Consumption","error:save" : "Error while saving values!","error:not:a:number" : "Error: Value is not a number!","error:save:negative:value" : "Error: Can't save negative value!","multiplier type" : "Multipliertype","tariff:edit:price:for" : "New price for","tariff:title:description" : "Title of your tariff.","tariff:note:description" : "This field can be used to make small notes.","tariff:provider:description" : "Provider should help yoou sort your tariffs.","tariff:country:description" : "Country should help you sort your tariffs.","tariff:type:description" : "The type will be displayed in the tariff-selection of your calculated input to make finding the right tariff easier.","tariff:price:description" : "The price will be used to calculate your costs.","tariff:custom:unit:description" : "The used custom unit will be displayed in the tariff table.","tariff:description:description" : "Can describe your tariff further.","health:score:lite:unknown" : "unknown","health:score:lite:bad" : "bad","health:score:lite:medium" : "medium","health:score:lite:good" : "good","lora:sensors:connection:details" : "LoRa Sensors Connection Details","lora:connection:details:max:allowed" : "The LoRa connection details function is limited to 20 devices.","lora:connection:details:min" : "There must be a LoRa sensor selected to view the details.","phone:numbers:description" : "Phone numbers must be compliant to the E.164 Standard and look something like this example +43650XXXXXXX" }, preg_match_all : function(regex, haystack) { var globalRegex = new RegExp(regex, 'g'); var globalMatch = haystack.match(globalRegex); var matchArray = new Array(); for (var i in globalMatch) { if(isNaN(i)) continue; var nonGlobalRegex = new RegExp(regex); var nonGlobalMatch = globalMatch[i].match(nonGlobalRegex); for(var j=1;j < nonGlobalMatch.length;j++) { matchArray.push(nonGlobalMatch[j]); } } return matchArray; }, translate : function(phrase, params) { var key = phrase.toLowerCase(); if(this.phrases.hasOwnProperty(key)) { phrase = this.phrases[key]; } if(!params || $.type(params) != "object") { return phrase; } var placeholders = this.preg_match_all('\{([^\}]+)\}', phrase); placeholders.forEach(function(placeholder) { phrase = phrase.replace( "{" + placeholder + "}", params.hasOwnProperty(placeholder) ? params[placeholder] : ''); }); var pluralForms = this.preg_match_all("\\[(.*)\\]", phrase); pluralForms.forEach($.proxy(function(pluralForm) { var parts = this.preg_match_all("([^:]+):([^\|]+)\\|([^\\]]+)", pluralForm); if(parts.length == 3 && params.hasOwnProperty(parts[0]) && $.type(params[parts[0]]) == "number") { phrase = phrase.replace( "[" + pluralForm + "]", params[parts[0]] == 1 ? parts[1] : parts[2]); } else { phrase = phrase.replace( "[" + pluralForm + "]", ''); } }, this)); return phrase; } } function t_(phrase, params) { return Translator.translate(phrase, params); }